
Below the age of six, children demonstrate advanced pretend play, symbolic thought, categorization, reasoning, and problem-solving abilities, marking the preschool years as a phase of rapid development. Our curriculum, rooted in engaging activities that spark curiosity, is designed to nurture every aspect of a child's growth, including their physical, emotional, and intellectual development, creativity, language skills, and social interactions. It places a strong emphasis on refining the child's language skills through a combination of speaking, reading, writing, and audio-visual lessons. Within the vibrant and cheerful environment of Zee Que, children not only acquire knowledge but also learn the values of sharing, caring, connecting with nature, nurturing their innate curiosity, and staying well-informed. Guided by dedicated educators, who introduce them to both academic and spiritual wisdom, children embark on a learning journey that is driven by experience, play, questions, and exploration. Zee Que's integrated and holistic approach to learning is overseen by the Research and Development Council, ensuring that children receive the best possible educational experience. Our meticulously crafted curriculum is built upon fostering a culture of curiosity, interaction, and exploration. It incorporates sensory-integrated sessions that target a child's senses, memory, observation skills, problem-solving abilities, logical thinking, and scientific curiosity. In addition, our group educational entertainment (edutainment) games play a pivotal role in developing both gross and fine motor skills, enhancing language proficiency, and promoting social development. Through imaginative plays and creative activities, we aim to refine the cultural and artistic talents of the children, equipping them with a diverse set of life skills. Our curriculum goes beyond traditional learning by instilling values such as good manners, confidence, independence, leadership, and a sense of responsibility in the young minds it nurtures.

Teachers as Care givers

ZeeQue has developed a state-of-the-art teacher training system with tailor made modules to address the professional challenges of educating the kids of 3 – 6 age group. We select the prospective candidates based on a written test and a personal interview after which they are trained by veteran teacher educators. We maintain the teacher-child ratio of 1:9. The teachers are professionals in early childhood education with a wealth of extensive field experience. They serve as mentors who guide children’s intellectual and social development, providing the necessary care and emotional support. They foster in children love for learning by making them engaged in fun filled classroom and outdoor activities. They also address the basic needs of the children including feeding and toileting. They build strong relationship with parents keeping them informed about the child’s progress and wellbeing.